Deferred Revenue

Deferred revenue is the advance payment which has been recorded under the liability account of the beneficiary until an internal task is triggered on the product conveyance. In layman's terms it can be defined as the advance payment received by the company but it’s not regarded as revenue thus making it unable to be reported as the company income. The deferred revenues menu can be accessed from the configuration tab on selecting the deferent revenue model the user will be depicted with the menu with the list of all deferred revenues. The user can create a new deferred revenue model using the create window available.

In the deferred revenue creations window the user should add a name for it. Under the depreciation method menu, the user can allocate the depreciation number of recognition and the years of it. The prorata temporis can be enabled to make the first depreciation entry of the asset to be done as per the purchase date rather than the fiscal year operations defined in the platform.

In the accountancy menu the user can allocate the company, revenue account, deferred revenue account, journal, analytical accounting and the analytical tag.

As the deferred revenue models are being defined the user can now create and allocate different revenues to the module. Under the accounting tab the user can view the different revenue menu ico. On the selecting menu the user can view all the deferred revenues described and the user can select the create option available.

In the creation menu provide the deferred revenue name. Under the asset value provides the original value and the acquisition date of the revenue. Furthermore, under the depreciation method the user can select the number of recognitions in the duration, enable the prorata temporis and describe the first reception date. Under the current values the residual amount to recognize and the different revenue amount are being described. Moreover, under the accounting menu the company allocated can be defined, revenue account and the deferred revenue account can be described along with the journal details, analytical account and the analytical tag can be defined.

Once the deferred revenue details are being provided and verified they can save it and confirm the operation. Once the operation is confirmed it starts to run on the platform. The user can view the revenue board under the respective deferred revenue description

On selecting verifying list, the user can select the post entries options available which will post the respective revenues in the journal. On selecting to post the user will be depicted with the posting details in a menu and the user can verify them.

After the revenue has been confirmed and posted the user can modify it if needed by selecting the modify option now available.

On selecting to modify the revenue the user will be depicted with the following menu. Here the reason for modifications can be provided and the new values of the deferral revenue can be configured. The number of depreciations, depreciable amount and the non-depreciable amount can be described.

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